Many people are falsely convicted for offenses they did not commit. This traps them in jail, and with time, they lose hope of being free or getting the justice they deserve. These defenseless individuals could spend years or perhaps decades behind bars. What can help them is hiring a reliable and experienced Ingham County criminal lawyer. If you’re wondering how these lawyers can bring justice to those with closed cases or files that have accumulated dust, here are some ways they can help.
Ingham County criminal lawyers often look into possible misconduct from the initial trial in order to defend those who were unfairly convicted. Trial transcripts are thoroughly checked by your potential to check for any errors or misconducts that lead to an unfair conviction. It could be anything from error in defense representation, poor handling of evidence, and prosecutorial misconduct.
Advancements in DNA technology have made it less likely to cause wrongful convictions. However, chances are still there. Ingham County criminal lawyers ensure that DNA evidence is properly examined. After obtaining the evidence, they make sure that it is examined again or that contemporary forensic methods are employed to clear it.
An Ingham County criminal lawyer will advocate for the governor to grant mercy or a pardon in cases where there is strong evidence of innocence, but legal barriers make official exoneration impossible. Even without a complete retrial, these attorneys are able to gain the release of wrongfully convicted convicts by making a strong case to executive officials.
These attorneys frequently work with both the regional and national innocence programs. These groups are committed to using DNA testing, legal assistance, and investigative help to free those who have been unfairly convicted.
They can make the most of their resources and raise their chances of being found not guilty by cooperating with one another.
In cases where someone might have been wrongly convicted, finding new evidence is very important. People can ask the court to look at the case again by filing special requests. These requests argue that there’s new evidence or mistakes were made before.
In Ingham County, criminal defense lawyers are good at making these requests. They do this to try and get a new trial or to overturn the conviction.
One of the reasons behind unfair convictions is faulty forensic science. Attorneys question the validity of this science, frequently bringing in contemporary specialists to refute flawed techniques that were formerly thought to be reliable but have now been dismissed.
Prisoners who were unfairly convicted have frequently had their cases’ preliminary investigations botched. Ingham County criminal lawyers thoroughly reexamined these cases, speaking with witnesses, evaluating the available data, and looking for fresh leads that were possibly missed the first time.
Lawyers cross-check the witness’s accounts to ensure their authenticity, as misidentification of eyewitnesses can cause unfair convictions. They also bring forth certain situations that could lead to misidentification, like provocative police lineups, the trauma of crime scenes, and limitations of human memory.
Although prosecutors are meant to pursue justice rather than just convictions, on occasion, they may take part in unethical activities that result in false accusations. Ingham County criminal lawyers seek to uncover every case of prosecutorial misconduct in order to guarantee that justice is done in the end. Examples of such misconduct include withholding evidence that could clear a witness or inducing false testimony.
Lawyers raise voice and awareness for their clients by working with the media and getting involved in community activities. They talk about cases where people were unfairly convicted to let the public know about problems in the criminal justice system.
This effort is about more than just one person; it’s about making big changes for the better. These lawyers work to educate people on these issues through campaigns, talks, and collaborations, aiming to correct wrongful convictions and achieve justice.
Ingham County criminal lawyers are committed to upholding justice and utilizing their knowledge to win the freedom of those who have been unfairly convicted. They put effort into guaranteeing the release of innocent people from prison. For individuals who have been wrongfully incarcerated, this dedication of lawyers gives them hope and a shot at being free.
Do you need an experienced lawyer to prove someone’s innocence? Get in touch with Kareem Johnson’s law firm, Protect My Freedom. Give us a call today, and let’s discuss your case.